Baja  Images

February 2001


The baby pops up for a look around at Laguna San Ignacio.  Note the eye of the baby whale.

Paradise Found.  Every four days a load of tourists is deposited at the Laguna San Ignacio airstrip.
Air service is via the plane above and a turbine DC-3 that also comes every four days from Ensenada.

Sunrise at Gonzaga Bay.

Sunset at Gonzaga Bay

Here boy! Here boy!  Come on over to be petted.

So many funny tourists, which ones should I shower with my salt-spray breath first

Only the finest accommodations.

Alfonsina's Hotel and Restaurant at Bahia San Luis Gonzaga.  The Sea of Cortez is to my
back and the air strip and back bay are on the other side of the hotel.

Just another baby whale shot.

The whales are not at all aggressive, but I'm still glad that they have baleen instead of teeth.
The whales are incredibly agile.  The 40-foot long mothers can glide inches beneath the boat
and never touch the bottom of the boat.


    It's a big mama.  The pangas (boats) are 24 to 27 feet long with about a 7.5 foot beam. 
 The whales are much, much bigger.
The original slide has good color, but the colors on the scan have shifted. 


Old Bones!!  Those are whale vertebrae (under Brenda's foot) and ribs (left and right).

Storage building for life preservers and outboard engines at Laguna San Ignacio.
It is also one of the launching sites for whale watching.

Amazing behavior!  Coming in for a nose rub.

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