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The World Lecture Hall Check under courses in economics.
Bank of America - Economic Data http://www.bankamerica.com/econ_indicator/econ_indicator.html Wells Fargo Bank - Link to Economic Report http://wellsfargo.com/home/ World Wide Web - Links to Resources in Economics http://www.helsinki.fi/webec/ Economic Time Series Page http://bos.business.uab.edu/data/data.htm Classroom Experonomics - Economic Experiments for the Classroom http://www.marietta.edu/~delemeeg/expernom.html The National Budget Simulation http://garnet.berkeley.edu:3333/budget/budget.html Stock Market Simulation http://portia.advanced.org/3088/ On-line Courses in Economics http://www.helsinki.fi/webec/webeca.html#A2C The Federal Web Locator http://www.law.vill.edu/Fed-Agency/fedwebloc.html Economic Forecasts and Commentary http://oberon.calstatela.edu/centers/econeduc/canat.htm U.S. Department of Labor - Consumer Price Index http://stats.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.toc.htm Bureau of Labor Statistics - Data http://stats.bls.gov/datahome.htm Economics Sources on the Internet - Brookings http://www.brookings.org/LIB/economic.htm Bureau of Economic Analysis http://www.bea.doc.gov/ Statistics Links - All Types http://www.jsr.cc.va.us/lrc/statis.htm The Rand Journal of Economics http://www.rand.org/misc/rje/index.html Links to Banking Site and Other Sources of Information http://web.calstatela.edu/faculty/spollar/ec303/bank.htm Center for Economic Education - CSLA http://oberon.calstatela.edu/centers/econeduc/cnteed.htm The World Bank Group - Economic Development Statistics and Sources http://www.worldbank.org/ California Franchise Tax Board http://www.ftb.ca.gov/ California Geographical Survey - CSUN - Census Data http://geogdata.csun.edu/ Los Angeles - Links http://oberon.calstatela.edu/centers/econeduc/calinfo.htm
http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/opd/opdpenny.htm National Debt to the penny.
Economist Jokes