The Mt. San Antonio College
Real Estate Society Meeting

April 27, 2000

"The Real Estate Development Process from Concept to the After-Sale Warranty"

Mr. Michael Battaglia, project manager for Standard Pacific Homes of Orange County, describing the proposed golf course and 268-home project to be built on Amar Road near Mt. San Antonio College. The top photograph that Mr. Battaglia is discussing shows the site as it exists today. In the bottom graphic the proposed housing, grading, and landscaping have been digitally added to show the site as it will appear when the project has been completed.

The 551-acre site on Amar Road will include a 227-acre golf course, 208 acres of native open space, and 75 acres of home sites.

Mr. Battaglia is responsible from concept to completion for projects totaling 1000 units. Here he is explaining the problems that are faced in project development, including everything from protecting the habitat for the gnatcatcher (a bird) to maintaining separation from a landfill area.

Real estate students listen as one student questions Mr. Battaglia about the city of Walnut’s requirement to provide for affordable housing.

Mr. Battaglia has the students’ undivided attention.